Indian Typelays

Indian Cases
These Indian lays are taken from The Sind National Type Foundry: Book of Type Faces (c1999), and are for Devanagari types. There is an Upper and Lower case, and the case dimensions are 17 ins by 38 ins. Sind show some other sizes for this typeface, with a different lay. The empty cases are the Upper and Lower case.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
Full Index of layoutsGlossary of terms usedSources of the layoutsIntroduction
Quantities in a fount of typeQuantities in a case of type
Notes about Job
and Double Cases
Notes about Upper casesNotes about Lower casesAlembic home page

This page was written in 2001 by David Bolton and last updated 15 April 2009.