Empty Johnson Proposed Upper Case


This English typecase configuration matches that of Johnson: Typographia (1824), with 70 boxes in the left and 72 in the right hand bay, and is designed to take his proposed new lay. The configuration is thus very different to the standard case, Moxon, which has 49 boxes either side. The actual lay of the type is the Johnson Proposed Case.

This style of case does not appear to have been adopted in England although some continental cases (eg Middelbaar Canon Boven in the Plantin-Moretus Museum) adopted a similar reconfiguration, subdividing two rows, rather than three, and having the right hand subdivided rows at the bottom, rather than the top, of the case. The Dutch Bovenkas of 1822 similarly subdivided the two top left rows, but spreads the other sub-division more around the case. Of course, the Flemish, Dutch, Spanish etc. style was for a basic six rows, rather than the English seven rows.
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ie with the boxes left blank
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This page was written in 1997 by David Bolton and last updated 28 November 01.