Czech Single Case

 ä  ö  ü  Ä  Ö  Ü   à  ľ  Ľ  ĺ  Ĺ  ff   fi  fl  &  §  †   '  
1/81/1cba 1/4edzyquads

This Czech typecase lay is illustrated in Zahálka: Přehled knihtisku, 1952. The case has 130 boxes, and is divided into three bays vertically, and also divided horizontally into two sections. The case construction almost matches a Czech Single case in the National Technical Museum, Prague in June 2019, apart from the horizontal partition moving to have four and not five rows in the “upper” section. An earlier case and lay, with only 125 boxes, is the Czech Single of 1925.

The empty configuration is Czech Single. The similar case, but with four rows in the “upper” section is Czech Single, and one with no partitioning is Czech Single.

Note that Czech uses the full roman alphabet, plus accented and special letters á č ď (with Ď) é ě í ň ó ř š ť (with Ť) ú ů. Slovak adds ľ and ĺ although these two are not in the earlier 1925 case.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
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ie with characters assigned to boxes
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This page was written in 2019 by David Bolton and last updated 12 July 2019.