Pickering's California Job Case

ffiflthnmid'ke 12345678 £  AEOEaeoe
xvu    t    thick
    a        r    ;:quads
q XYZJU&ffl

This English lay is shown in Pickering, Compositors' Equipment, Pitman 1946 reprinted 1955, as widely used in America, and increasingly adopted in Britain because of its greater capacity. It repaces $ with £, but otherwise is the same as, for example Hamilton of c.1932, apart from omitting @ and %. Note that in the lower case section, central bay, the boxes for : and ; are smaller than those for . and - and in the upper case section, right hand bay, the boxes for rows A to P are larger than the top and bottom row.

The empty configuration is California Job, (Henry 1917, Atkins 1932, etc.). The earlier style has one short row, and four tall rows in the upper case section, eg Palmer & Rey (1884), BBS (1890s), ATF (1906), etc. And another variant has : and ; the same size as the x and q boxes, shown by eg Lieberman 1963, American Printing Equipment & Supply Co 1983, etc.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
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This page was written in 2016 by David Bolton and last updated 18 May 2016.