Casse Générale (Gauthier)

ZÆŒWÇÉÈÊ oersmifgtlabdnhell
QRSTUVXY êîû& aolettre
IJKLMNOP ¦/§»( )09
ABCDEFGH 12345678
jçé  e àèùòc'oô
wbcd sfnfghfiffi
k spæœ
zl mni opqfffflflem
vutthicks ar .,quads

This French case lay is shown in Audin: Histoire de l'imprimerie par l'image (1929) as being the Casse Générale of A. Gauthier. The Upper case section has four rows of eight boxes, rather than three (or four) rows of seven boxes. Eight of the boxes are subdivided. There are thus 72 boxes in the Upper section, and 129 boxes overall. In contrast, the case shown later by Hostettler in Technical terms of the printing industry (1949) has only 114 boxes.

The boxes labelled em are cadratins, en are demi-cadratins, fn are espaces fines, sp are espaces (presumably moyennes) and thicks are espaces fortes. The ¦ should be a vertical bar and not a broken one. The box labelled hell is diable (i.e. broken type) and lettres is lettres etranges, i.e. outside sorts. The m etc. are superiors, but the engraving is very indistinct in places, and some of these are wrong, as letters appear replicated.

The empty case configuration is Gauthier.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
Full Index of layoutsGlossary of terms usedSources of the layoutsIntroduction
Quantities in a fount of typeQuantities in a case of type
Notes about Job
and Double Cases
Notes about Upper casesNotes about Lower casesAlembic home page

This page was written in 2013 by David Bolton and last updated 16 August 2013.