Empty Practical Space & Quad Case


This U.S. typecase construction is shown in American Type Founders: American Line Type Book - Borders, Ornaments - Price List Printing Material and Machinery, Boston 1906 and in Barnhart Bros. & Spindler: Book of Type Specimens No.9, 1907, and Hamilton Manufacturing Company: Modern Cabinets, Furniture and Materials for Printers Catalog No. 14, c. 1907. Hamilton state it provides for half point and one point spaces without the necessity of mixing. That is to say, the hair box is divided into two. It can cope with one less size of body than the Improved case, but makes more room for the sizes it can store. Hamilton's later Improved case of 1922 was able to store eight sizes again.

The case layout is Practical Space & Quad.

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
Other type layouts
ie with characters assigned to boxes
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This page was written in 2015 by David Bolton and last updated 31 December 2015.