Empty Two Third Italic Case


This U.S. typecase configuration is shown by American Type Founders: Catalogue of Printers Wood Goods and Materials (1893) and Gujarati Type Foundry: Type Book (c1928) and Polk: The Practice of Printing (1964 rev ed). Barnhart Bros & Spindler: Pony Specimen (1890s) shows an almost identical Two Third case, except for a group of four small boxes in the bottom left corner, rather than the two small and one larger box shown here. Note that there are two rows of 14 (ie 7+7) cap boxes at the top. In practice, the configuration is the same as the Two Third California of Missouri-Central (1959).

The Gujarati lay is Two Third Italic. The full size Italic case is Italic Job

Other empty cases
ie with the boxes left blank
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ie with characters assigned to boxes
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This page was written in 1998 by David Bolton and last updated 28 December 2001.